
What Is Robotic Process Automation & Intelligent Automation

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“We are now entering the fourth Industrial revolution! The rise of Intelligent Automation, including Robotic Process Automation, is a big part of this new wave and will have a profound impact on the way work gets done. A hybrid workforce, made up of a mix of humans and bots, is inevitable. People and businesses will need to embrace the new economy and learn new skills to take advantage of this opportunity and to stay competitive.”
Robotic Process Automation or RPA means the application of technology that enables computer software to partially or fully automate human activities that are manual, repetitive and rules based. The frequently used term ‘robot’ is slightly misleading…in simplest terms, RPA is automation software, not shiny robots.

Bots interpret, trigger responses and communicate with other systems in order to perform a vast variety of repetitive tasks. Bots transact in any IT application or website in the same way a human would, click by click, once “trained” on what steps to follow.Intelligent Automation (IA) is an emerging set of new technologies that combines fundamental process redesign with advanced automation techniques utilizing Robotic Process Automation, Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, and Artificial Intelligence.
It is a suite of business-process improvements and next-generation tools that assists the knowledge worker by removing repetitive, replicable, and routine tasks. And it can radically improve customer journeys by simplifying interactions and speeding up processes.


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RPA Guide for Beginners

Take a deep dive into Shared Services Definition, RPA Benefits, End-to-End RPA Implementation 5 Pillars, and more.

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Our RPA Software Partners

Our experienced RPA experts can help assess, design and build robots on multiple tools while training your team on how to monitor, maintain and prioritize future bots. We have certified implementation with multiple leading software providers including the following software companies:

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