October 24, 2023


Headquartered Culiacan Sinaloa, Mexico, Coppel was founded in 1941 and is engaged in the retail distribution of consumer products through operation and management of department stores. Coppel currently offers a wide variety of products including electrical equipment, electronics, furniture, and apparel. Its target customers are the low to middle income segment of the market.The company also offers its products online and provides personal credits and micro-credits.  Coppel is one of the top 100 biggest companies in Mexico and the largest department store chains in northern Mexico. It is the second-largest chain in Mexico for the sale of furniture and articles for the home. The Coppel chain operates more than 300 stores in every Mexican state under the Tiendas Coppel name and almost 200 shoe stores under the name Tiendas Coppel-Canadá.  The company also operates outside Mexico in Argentina and Brasil.

Chazey was engaged to assess Coppel´s operation and prepare a comprehensive Business Case to set up a Shared Service Center to provide Finance and HR services to its mexican subsidiaries (Bancoppel, Coppel and Afore) and its offices in Argentina, Brazil and USA. The analysis also included stakeholder´s analysis, benchmarking,  location analysis and high level definitions on how to set up the new operating model. Chazey also made recommendations on how processes and technology should be optimized in preparation for the new operating model.