Chuy Michel of Chazey Partners hosts RPA Masterclass for the University of the Republic of Uruguay
October 22, 2021

Chuy Michel of Chazey Partners hosts RPA Masterclass for the University of the Republic of Uruguay

[October 2021]  Chazey Partners, a global management consulting firm specializing in Robotic Process Automation, is delighted to receive a testimonial from the University of the Republic of Uruguay.  The recognition is for a Center of Excellence (CoE) in Robotic Process Automation (RPA) Masterclass.  It was presented by Chuy Michel, Chazey Partners Global Head of RPA.


The Masterclass is part of a certification program in RPA, at the Faculty of Economic Sciences and Administration (FCEA).  It seeks to bring different groups of professionals closer to RPA, and to the concept of an RPA CoE.

The main objective is for participants to learn how to identify, improve, and automate processes, which are repetitive in the organizations they work for.  It also empowers them to be able to suggest, promote, and create a structure in their own organization, which encourages automation through a CoE.

Below is a testimonial from FCEA’s Professor Joaquin Rubio, about the Materclass:

“Without any doubt, Chuy stood out more than expected in his presentation, capturing the interest of all the participants, and providing the tools and knowledge about Automation, Centers of Excellence, and services offered by Chazey Partners. Such was the success and the good feedback obtained, we will be counting on him in another virtual class, for our second group in a couple of weeks.”

Chazey Partners Chuy Michel was proud to receive the positive feedback and commented:

“It was great to engage with the class to help them automate mundane tasks, and release them to do more high value-added ones instead.”

For more information on other projects please visit Chazey Partners Higher Education solutions.

About Chazey Partners

Chazey Partners is a practitioners-led global management consulting firm supporting Robotic Process Automation, Business Transformation and Digital Transformation.  Chazey Partners’ Automation Methodology can support all phases of your automation transformation.  This will ensure an appropriate strategy and program, for delivering lasting benefits, and return on investment.

We pride ourselves in helping businesses and public sector organizations achieve operational excellence, in the delivery of mission-critical business services including:  Finance, HR, IT, Procurement, Facilities Management, Customer Helpdesk, and many other support services.

For over 14 years, Chazey Partners has helped our clients implement successful service delivery solutions in the US & Canada, Latin America, Europe, Middle East, Africa, Oceania and Asia.  Leverage our experience for your success. For additional information please visit us at