2022 Intelligent Automation Week Chicago
June 25, 2023

2022 Intelligent Automation Week Chicago

July 27-29, 2022

Chazey Partners Workshop D: Preparing for Process-Level Automation or Intelligent Process Automation (IPA) 

One of the pivotal milestones of an automation journey is progressing from single task-based automation utilizing RPA, to creating one chain of automated process – also known as IPA. This workshop will look at how to get to this milestone and it will cover:

  • The definition of process-level automation and breaking down how it differs from task-based RPA
  • From unattended robotics to Cognitive Intelligence, the digital toolkit that makes up an IPA suite and how the requirements differ from RPA
  • From Governance to Data hygiene, the foundations of IPA success that need to be implemented before a platform is procured

Walk away from this workshop with an action plan that scales your existing task-based automations to process-level


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