Robots are more than just a fad…

Chazey Partners, a global management consultancy has recently sponsored the 2017 Intelligent Automation Conference in Chicago and presented a workshop to a packed room.

With nearly 400 people in attendance, the event was full of early adopters and technology vendors who are paving the way for these exciting new capabilities, as well as many companies just starting their Intelligent Automation journey.  Phil Searle, CEO & Founder of Chazey Partners commented after the event, “ROBOTS ARE MORE THAN JUST A FAD. The use of Intelligent Automation, like Robotic Process Automation (RPA), is practical and effective for dramatically streamlining process steps across all function areas.  The early adopters have achieved great cost and time savings through the successful implementation of ‘bots’ and leading research groups are predicting staggering growth numbers for RPA software and services in the years ahead. Additionally, many organizations are reconsidering their offshoring and outsourcing plans and models because of the opportunities presented by ‘bots’”.

PROPER PLANNING IS REQUIRED” said Phil, “Throughout the event, numerous presenters emphasized the need for conducting a proper Automation Assessment, while reinforcing the benefits of building an Intelligent Automation Roadmap, much like one would build for other transformation projects.  Additionally, multiple automation providers recommended using an implementation partner like Chazey to support your Intelligent Automation transformation.”

Chazey Partners delivered a workshop at this conference, providing some background on Robotics and opportunities for next wave adopters as well as tips and strategies for getting started and how to achieve a successful proof of concept and program launch.

Click here to find out more about Chazey Partners’ RPA solution.

About Chazey Partners

Chazey Partners is a practitioners-led global management advisory business.  We bring together a unique wealth of experience, empowering our clients to strive for world class excellence through Business Transformation, Shared Services & Outsourcing, Technology Enablement, Process Enhancement and Corporate Strategy Optimization. We pride ourselves in having built, operated and turned around some of the world’s most highly commended and ground breaking Shared Services Organizations, and for implementing many highly successful multi-sourced (shared services and outsourced) delivery solutions. Over the last 20 years, we have delivered numerous programs globally, in the US, Canada, UK, Continental Europe, Ireland, India, Eastern Europe, South America, Singapore, Australia, China, Middle-East and Africa.

Our experience covers both Private and Public Sectors, providing expertise in a wide spectrum of business functions, including Finance, HR, IT and Procurement.