IA Week Chicago 2023
May 25, 2023

IA Week Chicago 2023

June 19-21, 2023

Chazey Partners is a proud sponsor of #IAWeek! We’re excited to join this innovative event to connect with intelligent automation industry leaders. Join us in Chicago and get 20% off using code SSOW23_ChazeyPartners or by emailing us at us@chazeypartners.com

Creating an Appropriate Ecosystem to Advance Your Organization’s Intelligent Automation Journey

This session will take an in-depth look at the critical success factors to ensure a successful automation program.  Learn to identify which solutions and KPIs should be implemented to identify and prioritize automation candidates, and measure and manage the success of deployed automations.  Select the best operating model to ensure that you are making the right investments at the right time, leveraging the most appropriate tools for your needs and goals.

Join this workshop to discuss:

• Working with new service partnership frameworks, both internally with the business and IT, and externally with third parties

• Identifying Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (AI/ML) solutions and KPIs, for new and existing automation opportunities

• Selecting the right Intelligent Automation operating model for your Company

• Rolling out ML driven orchestration to deployed automations

Takeaway how to leverage enterprise-wide governance models to support and scale automation.  How to make sound AI/ML investments, whilst also leveraging additional “low code”, cost efficient tools.

Download Workshop Here
