Does Size Matter When It Comes To Success With Shared Services?
August 7, 2017

Does Size Matter When It Comes To Success With Shared Services?

If you are a small and mid-size company you may ask:

  • Does size matter when it comes to success with Shared Services?
  • Don’t you need to be a large company to achieve economies of scale through ‘centralization’ which is a key benefit from reorganizing into Shared Service Centers?
  • Doesn’t scale mean that one has a better position when negotiating with potential third parties such as purchasing new technology enablers or considering outsourcers?

The truth is that smaller size companies can also capitalize on Shared Services to achieve the triple benefit of cost savings, higher quality of service and improved control environment by leveraging the approach, principles and tools of Shared Services. And many of these are not “scale dependent”.

In this article, we explore the key parameters of implementing Shared Services for small or mid-size companies, including technology, location, talent and ERP.

Download Does size matter when it comes to success with shared services


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