Developing a sound, persuasive evidence-driven business case for your shared services start up and continued success
May 2, 2018

Developing a sound, persuasive evidence-driven business case for your shared services start up and continued success

If you are considering implementing a SSO or expanding your existing SSO, it is crucial that you understand how to develop a dynamic business case to secure buy-in from faculty and employees to ensure that your shared services initiatives doesn’t fail before implementation or during expansion.

We recently delivered a workshop at a Shared Services conference, sharing some case studies and powerful tools on how to develop a sound, persuasive evidence-driven business case for your shared services start up and continued success. If you would like to download this presentation, just click the link at the bottom of the page.

The presentation includes the following key points:

  • Methodology for conducting a value assessment
  • How that value assessment can be used to develop a SS roadmap or modify the existing plan
  • Prioritizing the service delivery opportunity areas
  • Is it ever too late to create a business case?
  • If you have already developed a business case when should you go back to review?

As we always say to our fellow practitioners, shared services is not rocket science, but if it doesn’t follow a structured and robust business case and roadmap, the operations will be more likely to fall off the track.

Download Develop a sound, persuasive evidence-driven business case for your shared services start up and continued success