Global Business Services (GBS) Benefits and Examples White Paper
January 21, 2022

Global Business Services (GBS) Benefits and Examples White Paper

By Phil Searle, CEO and Founder, Chazey Partners

Global Business Services is an extension of functional Shared Services and Outsourcing Service Delivery models.  It provides a key pillar of support to an organization’s operations and performance.

The value GBS delivers comes from improving end-to-end processes, and standardizing work at a global level for all in-scope functions.  Right now, it is quickly evolving due to the very latest Digitalization and Intelligent Automation trends.  Processes are now becoming more integrated as organizations move to a OneOffice environment.

This white paper will explore the benefits of GBS taking into account the evolution of operating models, as well as exploring case studies from leading companies, who have their own GBS story to tell.

Download the White Paper in PDF

Embracing Future of Work and Hyperautomation to Drive Your Shared Services

Embracing Future of Work and Hyperautomation to Drive Your Shared Services


The fundamentals of Shared Services may not have changed, but everything else has: roles, expectations, technologies, talent needs, and more. This webinar aims to help Shared Services/GBS professionals to pathfind for the new normal post-COVID, and embrace the future of work to drive a digitally-enabled, flexible, transformed operating model.

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