Discovering and Selecting the RIGHT Processes for Your Robotic Process Automation (RPA)
February 22, 2021

Discovering and Selecting the RIGHT Processes for Your Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

By Chuy Michel, Global Head of RPA, Chazey Partners and Jim Jameson, RPA Delivery Manager, Chazey Partners

It is a common tendency for organizations to overshine on the “R” of Robotics and “A” of Automation, but forget the “P” of Process in R-P-A. According to SSON Analytics, “wrong process selection” is the leading cause of RPA project failures followed by “wrong tool selection”“insufficient change management support”, and “lack of experience”.

Selecting the wrong process to automate can cause the greatest headaches and is generally related to a highly complex, multi-step process where the belief is “automation will make the problem go away”. This approach can quickly get bogged down, giving RPA a bad name and resulting in perceived “failure” that could have been avoided with more strategic foresight in evaluating the process.

At Chazey, we believe the cornerstone of your RPA success lies in the process review, mapping and assessment in order to properly identify whether a process is suitable for automation. Doing the homework up front provides a documented end-to-end process in sufficient detail to build an RPA pilot and ensures greater success of an automation program.

This article shares with you the key steps to successful process selection and helps you lay a solid foundation to your automation journey:

  • Identify candidate processes for RPA
  • Prioritize and select candidate processes
  • Develop a strategic Automation Roadmap

RPA Heatmap


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