Developing Organizational Cybersecurity Plan
October 17, 2017

Developing Organizational Cybersecurity Plan

As incidents of cybercrime take precedence in the news and boardrooms, organizations globally are focusing on securing their positions. Most often this centers on technical solutions; hardware, software, and integrated tool sets. While technical solutions do have important roles in resilience, all too often they take center stage appearing as “silver bullet” solutions. The truth is that security, resilience, and assurance are founded on a solid operational infrastructure.

At Chazey, we define business operations as 4 equal and interdependent pillars that serve as the operational foundation of an organization. These are people, processes, client service, and technology. Ideally 4 should be managed in balance as they have a direct impact on one another. Over reliance or a singular focus on any one pillar compromises the integrity of the others as interdependence gives way to subservience. These are the weaknesses that cybercriminals are able to exploit through the use of technology.


In this article, Chazey explores the basics of a cybercrime defense system, and discusses 4 equal and interdependent pillars that serve as the operational foundation of any organization.

Download Developing Organizational Cybersecurity Plan.