Reducing the Cost of RPA Bot Management
July 29, 2021

Reducing the Cost of RPA Bot Management

By Jim Jameson, RPA Delivery Manager, Chazey Partners

So, you’ve started your automation journey and things have been running smoothly. Leadership is thrilled with the results and RPA has become a positive and well-known acronym throughout the organization. Then the inevitable happens, a bot breaks, nobody knew it failed, the business is dependent on the failed automation, and everybody wants to know what happened.

Sound familiar?

The cost of process downtime can be identified several ways including but not limited to lost or delayed sales and income, increased expenses, regulatory fines, performance penalties and negative customer reviews.

The good news is that when bots break, and they will, the impact can be minimized by ensuring the processes automated through RPA have the same level of monitoring and maintenance defined as other critical applications and services.

Why Bots Break and How to Rescue Failed Bots?

So why do bots break?

RPA technology works with selectors, which identify elements on a screen and allow the bot to interact with an application. Most bot failures are caused by changes to the underlying applications or environment.  To minimize the downtime and potential costs, RPA should be included in the IT Change Management and Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC) processes to ensure functionality is not impacted.

As with other critical applications and services, automated processes should be monitored with defined service level objectives. To establish response time priorities and to help understand the risks related to downtime, a Business Impact Analysis (BIA) should be performed. The criticality of a process is a key attribute used for defining the Recovery Time Objective (RTO), and the level of monitoring that is required.

How Can Chazey Partners Help?

The use of RPA is a key enabler of growth, efficiency, and control in the ongoing transformation of service delivery in today’s organizations.  Gartner predicts that by 2024 most organizations will be able to lower their operational costs by as much as 30 percent by both redesigning their processes and implementing automation technologies. Even with such a high growth rate predicted, there is plenty of evidence across industries that suggests enterprises are struggling with RPA bot management.

Chazey Partners comprehensive end-to-end RPA Bot Management Services coupled with our deep process knowledge provides you not only with the right upfront design approach to reduce the cost of RPA maintenance and support, but also materializing your bot management by analyzing bot performance and identifying automation opportunities.

Check out our RPA Bot Management Services and discover how your organization can reduce break-fix cycles and deliver more consistently on your RPA objectives.

More about RPA Managed Services