Transforming the Hiring Process for The University of California, Berkeley with Robotic Process Automation (RPA)
febrero 4, 2022

Transforming the Hiring Process for The University of California, Berkeley with Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

By Phil Searle, CEO and Founder, Chazey Partners

Let There Be Light

As in many other sectors, Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is being leveraged in higher education with the aim to boost productivity, modernize administrative operations, and pursue academic excellence.

The University of California, Berkeley (UC Berkeley) has been at the forefront of this trend.  They decided to assess RPA capabilities to support HR back in 2019.  Since implementation RPA has greatly improved processing times, with information being entered faster and more accurately.  This added efficiency has released their people to focus on other mission critical duties instead.

The Way Work Gets Done

UC Berkeley’s decision to use RPA helped reduce processing time by over 80%!  The processing time was reduced down from an average of 20 minutes per new hire to approximately 2 minutes, for the thousands of hires processed each year.

Chazey Partners was very proud to be a part of this transformation journey with UC Berkeley, and to help them achieve greater results using RPA:

Working with Chazey Partners has been fantastic.  The team is awesome!  They have worked collaboratively with our team, to help bring in an assessment, to determine what our best processes would be to automate.

Janet Speer | Director of Human Resources & Academic Personnel Support | UC Berkeley

Mission Critical 

UC Berkeley is now on the way to scaling RPA across the campus, liberating their people to spend more time on teaching, researching, and public service.