Construindo um Centro de Especialização rpa (CoE)

Construindo um Centro de Especialização rpa (CoE)

The RPA journey is best viewed strategically versus tactically.  Most companies establish a Center of Excellence (CoE) to oversee the RPA project pipeline, project prioritization, solution development, project delivery, training, standards, governance, business sponsorship, engagement and value realization.  At Chazey, we recommend building your own RPA and automation expertise internally.

We lead a series of meetings and workshops to discuss operating model options (centralized, federated, or hybrid) to help you understand the pros and cons of each, and finalize the RPA governance framework, as well as clarify future roles and responsibilities for automation teams, to evolve, leverage scale, increase business value and support the automation roadmap rollout over time.


  • Develop a robust operating model
  • Establish a Center of Expertise (CoE)
  • Finalize the RPA governance framework
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