Dos Pinos
outubro 25, 2023

Dos Pinos

Key success factors of the multi-functional Shared Services implementation at Dos Pinos

Dos Pinos, the market leader in the production and distribution of dairy products in Central America, has recently acquired a mixed drinks plant, Bemix, as part of its strategy of business diversification. To enable the rapid development of the company, Dos Pinos has also endeavored to enhance its operation efficiency through building a new multifunctional Shared Services center (SSC). This SSC will be located in Belen de Heredia where Bemix is based, employing approximately 200 people to support company’s Finance, IT and HR processes.

Despite encountering many common challenges, Dos Pinos achieved a successful implementation thanks a dedicated project team as well as strong, clear sponsorship and vision from the top management.

Chazey Partners would like to share with you the case study video on how Dos Pinos successfully completed a multi-functional Shared Services implementation.

Watch the video to learn more about this exciting implementation story.

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